Mail of July 1st, 1998:
How do I make a new default 'Broadcast ID...' in I-Caster?
Furthermore I want to use Broadcaster in a standalone environment. Say I had once started the broadcaster and it determined an IP multicast address of the session. But after a long power down, the IP broadcast address is used by another session. It is then possible that Broadcaster just choses a new multicast address without asking for an ack. of the user (remember because it is unattended, there is no one to say 'OK' ;-)
Why is the CPU load so high compared with vic?
Mail of July 1st, 1998:
This is not the case if I am using the web camera program of my drivers
(Winnov, and also three camera working in parallel). Is this problem solvable
in ISpy? It also exists if I put the Ispy's in the 'no preview' mode.
NetShow server keeps the conection of ISDN open due to polling of the
encoder (the time out of ISDN does not work anymore).
the last letters are going past the right margin (so yo have to guess them). See also my mail on August 31st,1998 about different margin between sun and PC. (not retested this with s31 yet) When an active tool is minimized, you only see the title of the session, but not what tool is there, so trying to find the right tool is a pain in the neck (you have the click on everyone to see if it is the right one). Perhaps you should put the tool name in the beginning of the string, like you do for sdr. the backspace (del works) does not work in the 'Set Encryption Key' window the name is not correct: 'Victor Reijs (SURFnet bv)' it is not using the SDR info.
Mail of Nov. 21th, 1998
Mail of June 25th, 1998:
Is it possible to provide such a function? I need this for broadcasting
live over the Internet the sunset at a megalithic building (Maeshowe)
in Scotland (
This is a project to be sponsored by SURF-ACE (
option: projects)
Hope to hear your response.
Mail of Oct. 16, 1998
Nonetheless, the next version of multikit will be able to accept
announcements like this. In the meantime, you can update the
you're currently using by making a small change to "mk_sap_watcher.tcl".
Change the line
set packetData [split $packetData
set packetData [split $packetData
However, you should probably use a different version of sdr to make
announcement, otherwise some others out there won't get to see it.
It is a way to do it, but not really user friendly. Hope it could be
changed in a more easy way.
I assume that that is not the way to do it;-) What do I do wrong?
Mail of Jan. 8th, 1999
I have been using your program to edit an old VRML file (made by VRMLshop
and then through the vrml1tovrml2 program). I have attached the VRML file
coming out of Spazz3D. When I pass this VRML file through the VRML2POV
program, I get error messages that the VRML file holds "triangle with two
vertexes at the same point" (so a kind of one dimensional polygons).
I understand from the author of VRML2POV that this should not be a
normal output of a VRML program.
My question to you is now; do you know why Spazz3D generates these 1 dimensional polygons and is it possible to remove this behaivoir?
More information on the errors can be gotten perhaps from Paul Thiessen (see cc-line).
This mail is also putten on my general bug/feature page:
Hope you can help me with this.
Mail of July 7th, 1998
> In message <>you write:
> >Hello UCL,
> >
> >Using UTG I have come across one possible major drawback of the
> >program. It seems it does not support access lists (so only particullar
> >host/networks are able to connect). Is that correct? Or did I have
> >read the manual better;-)
> >
> >
> >All the best,
> >
> >
> >Victor
> At present the access list support is done at the WAN gateway level,
> not in the Relay.
>We have this sort of access control supported in the ISDN ASCEND box.
That is indeed one way to do it, but now your UTG server
( for instance is reachable and usable by all over
world (at least SURFnet). So I think that not only at the WAN gateway
level (which is, the ISDN gateway you have, correct?), but also at
server level you need some kind of admission control. I think that
having adddimision conctrol for A service is better then at another
(lower) level.
I know that getting real authentication is too much to ask (at this
moment). But providing the server with some host/networks access list
a simple start in my opinion (and an essential function).
>We do plan to put in both some form of access control, form of
with encrypted sessions, and some form of access conrol for managers.
> These will all be in the future.
But a simple straight host or network list, is a minimum I think (like
done in liveGate).
Mail of Oct. 31, 1998:
Mail of August, 15th, 1998
Mail of March 19th, 1998
Mail of March 25th, 1998
the wrl file is called: maes.wrl
Instead of the normal path, I use the path:
if I sent it to c:\www it is oke, but any other sub directory makes
a tin
file (c:\www\demon\, c:\www\demon\maeshowe\)
c:\tmp\test and c:\tmp\test\test though work oke...
Do you understand this???
Mail of March 25th, 1998
An example:
Viewpoint {
orientation -1 0 0 1.57
position 10000 30000 15000
description "Bird view"}
Mail of May 19th, 1998
Can you provide a hint?
Mail of May 19th, 1998
Or are there other angle definitions in rotation?
Mail sent on Febr. 7, 1999
Oke, I am now using the last option you mention; so on a Windows95,
Pentium I, 200 MHz, Videum AV, driver 2.7. I am using three camera's.
If one camera is NTSC (the other two are PAL) then this causes sometimes
synchronisation or color errors in all of the pictures. If I use three
PAL cameras, the problem does not exist. So there is the workaround;-)
But is it possible to change this behaivoir?
The other problems I have with using multiple webcam's (using your
caputure program) are:
. is it possible to start and stop the webcam at predefined moments.
. is it possible to save the ftp/camera/timer-info per webcamera. It
seems it can only remember one. There should be some 'save configuration
. it seems that sometimes the webcam is writing the jpg-file and at
same moment a browser wants to read it. This is not possible of course.
But could you chance the behaivoir of the webcam: first saving the
with a dummy name and then renaming it on the remote system to teh
correct name. This minimize this problem.
Thanks for your feedback.
My test page is at:
and I want to use this in: