It would be great to have already a good survey of the site (inside and
outside), at the proper scale
Can we have a pre-visit Knowth (on Friday 15/9/00 and Thrusday 21/9/00)
to get a better impression and discuss/measure certain matters (like the
trees/buildings in front the passages). Look for locations that can be
used to measure the direction of the passages (by GPS and compass).
The main thing to determine is the azimuth of the western passage. At this
moment (using the literature), the
azimuth of Knowth west could be between 262° and 264° and the
apparent altitude between 0° and 1°.
Here one sees the measurements to be done with a laser from within
the passage (at the bent in the passage). The following points are important:
A: the max. northern azimuth of the
B: the max. southern azimuth of the
O: Combining A and B gives O (the average
azimuth of the passage and could be in the direction of Fennor) (to
be marked by GPS)
AA: the northern shadow the gnomon
makes in the passage
BB: the southern shadow the gnomon
makes in the passage
X: middle of the passage entrance (to
be marked by GPS)
Beside these measurements also the altitude direction of the western passage
will be determine (as well as the horizon level).
To do these measurement, three people will be welcome: one to hold the
laser in the passage, one just outside the passage to convey messages with
the third person, who has to mark the points as far as possible away from
the passage.
This will take some two hours (incl. preparations). For this one needs
access to the western passage.
If the direction O-X is through the trees, we have a problem (perhaps
solvable, we will see)...
When we have these points, one person will travel by car (incl. a GSM)
towards Fennor (or any other place needed).
Another person looks through the telescope over the middle of the passage
entrance (X) and point O towards 'Fennor' (or any other place). By means
of GSM we hope to find each other somewhere in space;-). If the car is
along the line X - O, then this will be marked with the GPS.
For this we don't need to be in the passage (perhaps only being above
the passage). This will take another 2 hours.