Possible formats for the e-RockArtGlossary

The below examples are only looking at the format of the e-RockArtGlossary, so the content is not yet important!!!
At this moment there is a preference to use the Dutch-English dictionary method (including some function gotten from the Oxford dictionary).

Like IFRAO Rock Art glossary

anthrophomorph - an object or picture providing adequate visual information to most contemporary humans as resembling human form

Like Oxford dictionary

anthrophomorph - from greek anthropo -- man, or human, and morph, meaning human-shaped. 1. Human-shaped mark or motif. No implication is intended of  any meaning the shape may have, so an anthropomorphic (1) may or may not represent or depict a human. 2. Mark or motif thought to represent a human; use intended to sound precise or scientific. 3. Approximately human- shaped mark or motif thought NOT to represent or depict a human, because it differs from comparable items that are thought to represent or depict humans. e.g. having an animal's head or tail. 4. An object or picture providing adequate visual information to most contemporary humans as resembling human form [IFRAO]

Like Dutch-English dictionary (van Daalen) (pronunciation rules)

anthrophomorph ('an(t)-thr&-p&-"morf) <from greek anthropo -- man, or human, and morph, meaning
human-shaped> 0.1. <noun> Human-shaped mark or motif. No implication is intended of  any meaning the shape
may have, so an anthropomorphic (0.1) may or may not represent or depict a human [???]. 0.2. <noun> Mark or
motif thought to represent a human; use intended to sound precise or scientific [???]. 0.3. <noun>
Approximately human-shaped mark or motif thought not to represent or depict a human, because it differs from
comparable items that are thought to represent or depict humans. e.g. having an animal's head or tail [???]. 0.4.
<noun> An object or picture providing adequate visual information to most contemporary humans as resembling
human form [IFRAO] ¶ 3.1 making an ~ to make an anthrophomorphic object <this is just an example!>

Meaning of the x.y (like 3.1) examples:

x.y means combining a grammatical word type 'x' with an earlier description 0.y
x can be: a noun (x=1), an adjective (x=2), a verb (x=3),  a pronoun (x=4), an adverb (x=5), a preposition (x=6),  a determinator (x=7), a conjunction (x=8)