
First and Last Crescent window prediction using Schaefer's criterion


The calculation of first crescent (FC) of the Moon depends on the Moon's magnitude formula. A combination of Allen and Samaha's formula (see this page) has been used.

On other web pages, several comparison with Stern and Fatoohi's papers, Kraus&Reijs (2012, page 22-23) and Reijs (2011, #Confining) were made.
On this webpage some more attention will be given to the dependency of the First Crescent window on the Latitude, AEC (Astronomical Extinction Coefficient) and Visual Acuity. Also the Danjon limit (for most Latitudes this happens at DAzi=0 and lowest AEC) will be looked at. Also a check of the Last Crescent (LC) window is done.
The visibility of FCs/LCs is a kind of window (aka FC window) for altitude (Alt) and relative azimuth (DAzi) values.
Investigations has been done by looking a possibly better formulas (based on Allen and the behaviour of inner planets' [Mercury] phase curves or cube of phase angle). These formula are though not based on empirical data; as such a formula has not been derived yet (in 2022).
These results (based on Schaefer's criterion implemented in ARCHAEOCOSMO package and sweph) will be compared to results from other criterions.

First Crescent window dependency on Latitude

The First Crescent and Lunar month length over a 500 year period is determined for Helwan (Lat=29.86°, Long=30.25°), Callanish I (Lat=58.2°, Long=6.75°) and a Eigen location (Lat=15°, Long=10°):

FC at Helwan
FC at Callanish I FC at Callanish I
FC at Helwan FC at Callanish I FC at Callanish I

The form of the FC window for different GeoAV-DAzi combinations changes in several ways when the Latitude is changed:

Length of the Lunar month depending on latitude

Here is an graph where the Lunar month lengths (see also Schaefer, 1992) are depending on the latitude
The percentages are referenced to a location (|latitude|<= ~35degrees) where only 29 and 30day Lunar month lengths happen. At such a location 29days happen in 46.9% and 30days in 53.1% of the cases, all other Lunar month lengths never happen: 0%.

This with AEC=0.27 and acuity=1.4

Length Lunar month depending on latitude

This with AEC=0.17 and acuity=1.4
Length Lunar month depending on latitude

So above latitudes of 40deg, there will be Lunar months of 31days.

First Crescent window dependency on AEC

FC at Helwan
FC at Callanish I
FC at Helwan FC at Callanish I

The GeoDanjon limit (GeoAV @ DAzi=0°) decreases with some 1.2° when the AEC decreases from 0.27 to 0.17.

First Crescent window dependency on Visual Acuity

FC at Helwan
FC at Callanish I
FC at Helwan FC at Callanish I

The GeoDanjon limit (GeoAV @ DAzi=0°) decreases with some 0.6° when the Visual Acuity increases from 1 (standard) to 1.4 (average).

Last Crescent window

FC at Helwan LCs at Helwan

The LC window (on the right) is similar, but mirrored along DAzi=0, as the FC window (on the left).

Changing the Moon's magnitude formula from Allen's to Allen+plus formula

Different formula of the Moon's magnitude (using Allen's, Allen&Mercury's and Allen&Samaha's phase curve) are derived on this page. The resulting distribution of FCs can be seen below:
FC at Helwan
Using Allen's magnitude formula
(and [standard] Visual Acuity =1)
FC at Helwan using
              Allen+VR Magnitude
Using Allen&Mercury's magnitude formula
(and [average] Visual Acuity =1.4)
FC at Helwan
              using Allen+Samaha Magnitude
Using Allen&Samaha's magnitude formula
(and [average] Visual Acuity =1.4)

Crescent width and length

The phase angle for FC moments varies between 150 and 172deg:
Crescent width
      and length depending on phase angle

The crescent width varies between 0.2 and 2.2arcmin, while its length is between 6 and 31arcmin (using Sultan 2005).

The object's apparent angular size below which an object is seen as a point source (the CVA: Critical Visual Angle) is described by Clark (1990, Figure 2.6). FCs and LCs are normally seen between 0 and 30 minutes after Sun set, and in that case the background brightness is some 13 Magn/arcsec2 (Clark, 1990, Table 2.3). This means that the maximum point source's apparent angular size for these background brightnesses have a CVA of around 1 arc-min. This is close (although slightly lower) to crescent width during FCs (between 0.2 and 2.2arcmin).

Schaefer (Schaefer, 1991, page 271) relates the visibility of the crescent to Lamar's findings:
"For naked eye observations, the critical portions of the crescent are always narrower than the resolution of the eye [CVA]. In such a case, the detection threshold does not depend on the surface brightness of the Moon, but on the total brightness integrated across the crescent (Lamar et al. 1947)".
If indeed a) narrower is related to crescent width (which is for most FC/LC events smaller than the CVA) and b) total brightness integrated across the crescent is the Magnitude of the Moon at LC/FC events; we can evaluate the FC and LC visibility of the Moon by using point source detection formula of Hecht.

I am still not 100% sure if the above is correct, let me know.

Comparison of Schaefer's and Segura González' TopoDanjon limits

The TopoDanjon is defined from the centre of the Moon. The implementation of Schaefer (in Swiss Ephemeris and ARCHAEOCOSMO) though calculates the TopoAltitude (at DAzi=0) as if the crescent is at the centre of the Moon. So to (approximately) determine the TopoDanjon limit one has to add something close to the radius of the Moon (something between 10 and 15arcmin) to the calculated TopoAltitude (this has been done in all below calculated TopoDanjon limit grahs).
Segura González criterion did not include the distance crescent-centre of the Moon (pers. comm., June, 2023). In below graph this has been inlcuded. In his newer work (since June 2023) he has in corporated this.

Comparing the TopoDanjon limit (TopoAV at DAzi=0°) of Schaefer's criterion (Lat=29.86°, Visual Acuity=1 or 1.4, and using three different Moon magnitude formula) and Segura González criterion (based on Helwan model) gives the below picture:
Comparing Schaefer and Gonzalez' Dajon limit

*Remark: TopoDanjon-VR(Allen&xxx) could not be determined below AEC=0.14, as the airmass formula could not produce a lower value for the same geographical location of Helwan (most specifically due to the height).

Error analysis

There are three errors that can be envisaged:
  1. the TopoDanjon has a standard deviation of 5 to 10% due to standard deviation in AEC of around 20% [Schaefer 2000, page 128];
  2. the TopoDanjon has a standard deviation of around 0.25deg due to standard deviation in Visual Acuity of around 0.2 [Ohlson, 2005]);
  3. the TopoDanjon limit has a standard deviation of around 0.03deg due to precision of graphically determining TopoDanjon
This reults in (1σ) error bars in the below TopoDanjon limit graph:
Comparing Schaefer and Gonzalez' Dajon limit

Danjon limit of other authors

In Table 1 of Segura González [2021] an overview of reported Danjon limits is provided. His table has been reproduced and included below:
        Danjon of other authors
Cells with yellow background were assumed (by VR) to be reported as TopoDanjon??? If not correct, let me know.
Cells with green background are documented for having a (very) clear skies.
Cells with orange background were originally reported as GeoDanjon.

The reported TopoDanjon (TopoAV at DAzi=0) values have been related to an AECint (the last column) that is calculated by using a fitted curve of TopoDanjon-VR(Allen&Samaha):
AECint = 0.0092*TopoDanjon2 - 0.0658*TopoDanjon + 0.155
<remember this AECint is just an indication, as the behaviour between AECint and TopoDanjon is not really known>

Distirbution of reported Danjon limits

Most reports seem to related to an AECint around 0.175 (based on TopoDanjon-VR(Allen&Samaha)): exceptional visibility.
Some are very close or even lower than the theoretical minimum AEC of ~0.12 (Rayleigh scattering).
It is interesting to see that all early reports (before 1930) have a calculated AECint of 0.3 to 0.55 (excellent/good visibility), while the reports (according to Segura González [2021]) talk about 'very pure skies'. It could be that these authors use the same methodology for determining the AV curve: calculating the average AV-angle at a certain DAzi, while in more recent times it means the minimum AV-angle (Kraus&Reijs, 2012, page 1, 23).


In some way it is amazing that the influence of AEC and Visual Acuity is not really mentioned in the evaluation of the Danjon limit such as in the article of Fatoohi (1998).
The new Moon magnitude formula (TopoDanjon-VR(Allen&Samaha)) removes the known issue of Allen's magnitude (which was too high for large phase angles).
When comparing the results of this new formula with for instance Segura González' TopoAV, there is a difference of around 0.75degrees
Both TopoDanjon-WSG (black dotted curve) and TopoDanjon-VR(Allen&Samaha) (black short-dashed curve) use as a basis Russell's theoretical cube of elongation for large phase angles.

The resulting TopoDanjon-VR(Allen&Samaha) is perhaps on the high end of the exceptional visibility AECint values of other authors. But is it is still reasonable.

It would be great if someone was able to measure the Moon's magnitude for large phase angles, so we can replace the more theoretical/analogical formula with an empirical derived formula. If you know such an empirical formula, let me know.


I would like to thank people, such as Wenceslao Segura González and others for their help, encouragement and/or constructive feedback. Any remaining errors in methodology or results are my responsibility of course!!! If you want to provide constructive feedback, let me know.


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Clark, Roger N.: Visual Astronomy of the Deep Sky. Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press 1990.
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Sultan, Abdul Haq: Explaining and calculating the length of the new crescent Moon. In: The observatory 125 (2005), issue 1187, pp. 227-231.

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Major content related changes: November 10th, 2011 and 2022