
Overview of BASICODE-3C

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General rules

Colours in BASICODE-3C

Upto BASICODE-3 Basicode was black and white for both back- or foreground color. Only in BASICODE-3C (1991) colour is included. The colour of the background colour is set with CC(1). The forgroundcolour is set in CC(0). The colour values are used in almost all text or graphic commands. You can set CC(0) and CC(1) at the following way:
value colour
0 black
1 blue
2 red
3 violet
4 green
5 light blue
6 yellow
7 white

Allowed BASICODE-3C commands

The following commands are allowed: PRINT, INPUT, GOTO, GOSUB, RETURN, LET, FOR...TO...STEP, NEXT, IF...THEN (no ELSE), ON...GOTO, ON...GOSUB, DIM, READ, DATA, RESTORE, REM. DEF FN (or DEFFN) is allowed (only one variable, no recursion, only arithmetic and logical expressions)

Allowed BASICODE functions

The following functions are allowed: TAB, ABS, SGN, INT, SQR, SIN, COS, TAN, ATN, EXP, LOG (natural logarithm), ASC, VAL, LEN, CHR$, LEFT$, MID$, RIGHT$.

Allowed BASICODE operators

The following operators were allowed: AND, OR, NOT, + (also with strings), -, *, /, ^ (exponent), <, =, >, <=, <>, >=


Line numbers

The following line numbers method is used in BASICODE-3C:
0 - 999: The BASICODE translator subroutines;
1000 - 1010: mandatory in the form of:
1000 A=<total memory space needed of all strings>: GOTO 20: REM program-name
1010 <rest of program>
1011 - 19999: The rest of the BASICODE program;
20000 - 24999: possible machine-dependant subroutines;
25000 - 29999: DATA-lines;
30000 - 31999: REM-lines with a short description of the program and links to literature;
32000 - 32767: REM-lines with name and address of author.

Running BASICODE programs

A working program can be made by having the BASICODE program (using line numbers from 1000 and up) and merge before that one the BASICODE translator (which uses line number from 0 to 999) for your system. When merged one gets a fully operation program fit for the BASIC interpretator of the system one is using. This program can run by using the RUN command.

Disclaimer and Copyright

Major content related changes: September 10, 2005