
Appendix III

Calculating the major azimuth transit standstill values around 2005-2007

Below ten major azimuth transit standstill closest to the major azimuth standstill limit are determine in 2005-2007 for four locations. The data is gotten from JPL, only 1-minute interval values were taken.

The bold row is the date which is the real azimuth standstill limit for that location (using JPL and linear interpolation).
The red dates are dates mentioned by Meeus ([1997], table 5A) as major (declination) standstill limits.
The below columns mean:
Date and time [UTC], C(ivil)/N(autical)/A(stronomical)twilight/*=sun above horizon, t(ransit), azimuth, apparent altitude, moon phase (full=100%)

 2006-Sep-15 06:46 * t 180.0876 59.2161 41.7
 2006-Mar-07 19:04 N t 180.4807 59.1989 59.7
 2006-Oct-12 04:36 A t 180.1072 59.1726 68.7
 2006-May-01 15:36 * t 180.0835 59.1433 17.4
 2005-Sep-25 06:06 * t 180.3618 59.134  50.4
 2006-Apr-04 17:49 * t 180.0615 59.1134 42.6
 2007-Feb-25 19:32 A t 180.4928 59.0964 66
 2006-Feb-08 21:08   t 179.9604 59.0868 83.7
 2006-Jul-22 10:00 * t 180.2894 59.0168  8
 2007-Jan-29 21:36   t 179.9908 59.0065 88.2

 2005-Sep-12 19:20 C t 180.4013 1.8874 64.7
 2006-Aug-05 20:53 C t 179.8337 1.8412 83.3
 2006-Mar-22 05:49 C t 179.8902 1.8219 56.1
 2006-May-16 02:37 N t 179.9781 1.8207 90.9
 2007-Feb-13 08:33 * t 180.0233 1.8076 22.3
 2006-Apr-19 04:44 C t 180.1732 1.757  71
 2005-Oct-09 17:11 * t 180.0661 1.7506 38.1
 2006-Sep-02 19:40 C t 180.3354 1.7224 69.2
 2006-Feb-23 08:00 * t 180.0591 1.7084 28.9
 2006-Sep-29 17:28 * t 179.9626 1.69   42.4

Callanish I
 2006-Sep-15 07:01 * t 180.1548 60.0201 41.5
 2006-Mar-07 19:18 N t 180.1363 60.0101 59.8
 2006-Oct-12 04:51 A t 180.164  59.9838 68.6
 2006-May-01 15:51 * t 180.1466 59.9517 17.5
 2005-Sep-25 06:20 * t 180.0208 59.9422 50.3
 2006-Apr-04 18:04 * t 180.1342 59.9142 42.7
 2007-Feb-25 19:46 A t 180.1334 59.9077 66.1
 2006-Feb-08 21:23   t 180.0358 59.8925 83.7
 2006-Jul-22 10:15 * t 180.36   59.8275  7.9
 2007-Jan-29 21:51   t 180.0455 59.812  88.3

 2005-Nov-05 15:19 * t 179.9089 2.628  14.9
 2006-Aug-05 21:08 C t 179.8577 2.5791 83.4
 2006-May-16 02:52 N t 180.003  2.5626 90.9
 2006-Mar-22 06:04 C t 179.9174 2.557  56
 2007-Feb-13 08:48 * t 180.053  2.5507 22.2
 2006-Apr-19 04:59 C t 180.1993 2.5026 70.9
 2005-Oct-09 17:26 * t 180.0883 2.4921 38.2
 2006-Sep-02 19:54 C t 180.1498 2.4674 69.3
 2006-Feb-23 08:15 * t 180.0801 2.4471 28.8
 2006-Sep-29 17:43 * t 179.9932 2.4275 42.6

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Major content related changes: Jan. 22, 2003