
Appendix III

Calculating the major azimuth transit standstill values around 2024-2025

Below ten major azimuth transit standstill closest to the major azimuth standstill limit are determine in 20024-2025 for four locations. The data is gotten from JPL, only 1-minute interval values were taken.

The bold row is the date which is the apparent azimuth standstill limit for that location (using JPL).
The red dates are dates mentioned by Meeus ([1997], table 5A) as geocentric major (declination) standstill limits.
The below columns mean:
Date and time [UTC], C(ivil)/N(autical)/A(stronomical)twilight/*=sun above horizon, t(ransit), azimuth, apparent altitude centre Moon, Moon phase (full=100%)

Calanais I
2025-Mar-07 19:32    N    t    180.13    60.03    62.4
2025-Apr-03 17:24    *    t    180.22    60.00    35.2
2024-Oct-22 04:38         t    180.21    59.97    71.9
2024-Aug-28 07:57    *    t    180.10    59.95    29.8
2025-Oct-12 04:59    A    t    180.24    59.87    67.2
2024-Sep-24 05:51    C    t    180.42    59.86    55.9
2024-Mar-17 19:07    C    t    180.31    59.86    56.5
2024-Apr-13 16:56    *    t    180.23    59.86    29.3
2025-Aug-18 08:11    *    t    180.30    59.82    26.7
2025-Sep-15 07:07    *    t    180.31    59.80    40.5

2025-Mar-22 06:25    *    t    180.13    2.43    52.2
2024-Oct-09 17:31    *    t    180.06    2.48    39.2
2025-Sep-01 19:28    C    t    180.10    2.53    64.8
2024-Aug-15 20:56    C    t    180.05    2.55    80.8
2024-Nov-05 15:26    *    t    180.02    2.55    15.8
2024-Apr-01 05:52    C    t    180.20    2.56    59.6
2024-Sep-11 18:43    *    t    180.11    2.58    55.5
2025-Feb-23 08:36    *    t    180.01    2.58    25.2
2025-Jan-26 09:54    *    t    180.03    2.60    11.3
2025-Apr-18 04:18    N    t    180.02    2.61    77.5

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Major content related changes: Jan. 3, 2023