Maeshowe and its environment in 3D
A few models are at this moment available (a VRML client is needed, I prefer:
a VRML model of the
back wall, including an video texturing on the back wall and blocking
stone of the reappearing sun light on Jan. 12th, 2000.
You need the Cortona
VRML client for playing the RealPlayer file in this world (it is not
very good in rendering, I think, but it plays RealPlayer files, so it seems
you can't have everything in the VR-world;-).
a model of the Maese Howe passage and chamber
This model of Maeshowe has been made by using VRML
(around 60 kByte). The model is not yet finished (the roof of the chamber
and the left recess are missing), but it is a start for seeing if such
a 3D model is useful.
The passage is blocked by the blocking stone and the first part of
the passage is lower than seen at present days (but perhaps more aligned
to the ideas of Gibb/Reijs). One is able to navigate between the blocking
stone and the lowered ceiling if one knows how to do it;-).
a model of the Maeshowe henge
This model is made using VRML
(around 25 kByte).
a model of the combination of Stenness and Hoy region
This model is made using VRML
(around 250 kByte). Adjustments have been made for terrestrial
refraction at Hoy part of the 3D world.
Disclaimer and Copyright
Major content related changes: Feb. 12, 2000