
Determination of azimuth

To determine the declination of an direction one needs to measure the azimuth and the apparent altitude.
Several way can be followed to determined the azimuth of a particular building. There are generally three different ways to determine the azimuth:
  1. from one point (A: like with a compass, photometry or reference object)
  2. using two points from behind the desk (A and B: like with an map or ground plan)
  3. using two points (A and B: like with a GPS)
The methods and tools used with these ways are discussed in more detailed on this web page. If one is in open air most of the mentioned tools are easily used. Don't forget to measure the (apparent) altitude as accurate as possible!!!
But as soon as one has to determine e.g. the average direction of a passage or the sunniness of a building, one has problems because a GPS and a compass don't work inside a building and an ordinary map will not provide any input for this kind of activity.
The ways that could be used in this instance are:
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Last major content related changes: July 22, 2000