
Determining the sensitivity for some simulated heliacal events

In the past (2006) a sensitivity analysis was done by looking at the changing dates of the star phases, on this web page the sensitivity of the geocentric angles* of the involved objects will be investigated.
In the web page two heliacal events (Morning First [MF] and Evening Last [EL]) will be simulated by using software. The sensitivity due to varying some12 different parameters will be shown. Furthermore a comparison will be made with Schoch's Arcus Visionis formula for stars [1924], Inklaar and updated by de Jong multi-parameter criterion [Inklaar, 1989 and de Jong, 2012] and Kolev's extensive database of observations (Kolev, 2013). It shows that Schaefer criterion's implementation, Schoch's formula, de Jong criterion and Kolev's observations map well. This again supports the other earlier benchmarking done with Schaefer's criterion.
Of course simple formula don't always provide the most accurate results, Kolev's virtual heliacal table (Kolev, 2013) provides a good criterion, which is also based on 3 parameters. It seems that Schaefer's or Inklaar's/de Jong's criterion have a better handle on the complex environment. But the large uncertainty is the atmospheric condition, which are very difficult to post- or predict!

The benchmarking shows that a theoretical model (with no changing of fundamental theory, only explicit parameter) can predicts/postdict celestial visibility. There is a lot of circular proofing going around to e.g. proof that Schoch or another simple criterion are (in)correct, without referring to an 'independent' theoretical model. It is important that a theoretical method is available/possible as all other conventional one or two parameter criterions are are only based on limited observation, so the theoretical model can provide easy insight in many other interesting aspects around celestial viability.

*In the below graphs the geocentric altitude is presented, which is very close to topocentric altitudes for star and Sun. The AV in this web site is defined as Object's geocentric altitude minus Sun's geocentric altitude. And Arcus Visionis is strictly defined as the Sun's geocentric depression (which is minus the Sun's altitude).

Table of Content


Schaefer's criterion to determine the viability of celestial objects is not accepted by all experts. One of the main reasons might be that most people only read the first articles on Schaefer's criterion [1993], which has major issues. Also his software in Sky & Telescope [1998] had some errors (only one typo had influence on heliacal events). Luckily most inconsistencies/errors were rectified in his 2000 article. But a lot of people based their experience, articles and software still on these first articles, even many years after Schaefer's published corrections (no need to name and shame them here;-). This shows that proper literature research, including the Internet, is essential!
Unluckily this all looks to have spread reduced confidence in Schaefer's criterion.
Anyway Schaefer's model can solve many other problems, such as:

Luckily benchmarking the Open-source ARCHAEOCOSMO 2002 implementation does show that Schaefer's criterion is close to observations; the model gives a good indication of the trends around heliacal events and many other celestial events.
Of course heliacal events are by definition difficult to pro- and predict due to the atmospheric uncertainties, but Schaefer's model will at least provide the tends of these influences. The sensitivity analysis is thus also about showing these trends beside the actual values calculated.


To do this sensitivity analysis on several heliacal events, the Schaefer criterion has been used. The implementation of that criterion is part of the Open-source packages: ARCHAEOCOSMO Excel plug-in and Swiss Ephemeris. Both use DE405 and Morrison&Stephenson&Hohenkerk [2016] for DeltaT.

Variation of parameters

For the sensitivity analysis I used a fictive star that is close to Alcyone, with using a default Declination of +24.1°, RA of 3h47m and Magnitude of 3 (instead of Alcyone's Declination is +24.1°, RA is 3h47m and Magnitude is 2.87).  The observations have been simulated around 50CE for a German location. Furthermore using standard atmosphere (15 °C and 1013.25 mbar) with a relative humidity of 30%. The age of the observer is taken as 30 years with the average acuity of ~1.4 [snellen].
The Default values used for these parameters are shown in below table, beside the used Minimum and Maximum (and the results) or this sensitivity analysis:

Air Pressure
Relative Humidity
Astr. Ext. Coeff.
Age Star's
Stars' Right Ascension [h]

0 30 150
0 913.25 0 0.15 0.7
20 -30.1
150 15 65 550 30 1113.25 60 0.49 2.8
Resulting sensitivity
in star's MF altitude
5%* 73%
Resulting sensitivity in star's MF date [days]***
Resulting sensitivity
in star's EL altitude
low* low* low* low* low* 42%
low* low*
low* 58%
Resulting sensitivity in star's EL date [days]***
* Due to the effect of changing between scotopic and photopic vision, there is some 35% resulting sensitivity, but overall no significant systematic increase/decrease is seen.
** When varying the atmospheric parameters Temperature, Air Pressure and Relative Humidity; the Atmospheric Extinction Coefficient is fully determined by these atmospheric parameters.
***Resulting variation in days due the Minimum and Maximum value of parameters (compared to Default)
+These parameters have a Default that is different than the average of Minimum and Maximum.


The sensitivity analysis has been done for two star phases:

Morning First (MF) phase

For the sensitivity analysis, the star's morning first (MF) observations have been simulated.
Below are graphs of star's geocentric event altitude and the Sun's geocentric event altitude at the star's MF phase. Each shows the influence due to changing one parameter between its Minimum and Maximum value (x-axis), while keeping the other parameters on their Default values.

Parameters that don't have much influence

Senitivity due to Year changes
Astronomical Year: almost no influence

Senitivity due to Longitude changes
Longitude: almost no influence

Senitivity due to Height changes
Observer Height: almost no influence.

Senitivity due to Temperature
Temperature: almost no influence.

Senitivity due to Declination changes
Star's Declination: almost no influence (except the discontinuity from night [scotopic] to day [photopic] vision).

Senitivity due to Declination changes
Star's Right Ascension: some influence (mainly due to discontinuity from night [scotopic] to day [photopic] vision).

Parameters that have influence on two altitudes

Senitivity due to Air Pressure
Air pressure: the higher the Air Pressure the higher the AV and star's event altitude.
The Sun's event altitude stays almost the same.

Senitivity due to Realtive Humidity
Relative humidity: the higher the Relative Humidity the higher the AV and star's event altitude.
The Sun's event altitude stays almost the same.

Senitivity due to Exinction
        Coefficient changes
Atmospheric Extinction Coefficient: the higher the Atmospheric Extinction Efficient
the higher the geocentric AV and star's event altitude.
The Sun's event altitude stays almost the same.

Senitivity due to Observer Age
Observer Age: with higher the observer Age there is a slightly
higher geocentric AV and star's event altitude.
The Sun's event altitude stays almost the same.

Parameters that have influence on three altitudes

Senitivity due to Latitude changes
Latitude: The more northern, the higher the AV, star's event altitude and Sun's event altitude is.

Senitivity due to Acuity changes
Observer Acuity: the better the observer Acuity the lower the AV
and star's event altitude; and the higher the Sun's event altitude.
The discontinuity is due to change from night (
scotopic) to day (photopic) vision.

Senitivity due to Magnitudechanges
Star's Magnitude: the higher the Magnitude the higher the AV
and star's event altitude; and the lower the Sun's event altitude.
The discontinuity is due to change from night (scotopic) to day (photopic) vision.

Evening Last (EL) phase

For the sensitivity analysis, the star's evening last (EL) observations have been simulated.
Below are graphs of geocentric AV, star's geocentric event altitude and the Sun's geocentric event altitude on the star's EL phase. Each shows the influence due to changing one parameter between its Minimum and Maximum value (x-axis), while keeping the other parameters on their Default values.

Parameters that don't have much influence

Senitivity due to Year changes
Astronomical Year: almost no influence (except the discontinuity from night [scotopic] to day [photopic] vision).

Senitivity due to Longitude changes
Longitude: almost no influence

Senitivity due to Height changes
Observer Height: almost no influence (except the discontinuity from night [scotopic] to day [photopic] vision).

Senitivity due to Temperature
almost no influence (except the discontinuity from night [scotopic] to day [photopic] vision).

Senitivity due to Declination changes
Star's Declination: almost no influence (except the discontinuity from night [scotopic] to day [photopic] vision).

Senitivity due to RA changes
Star's Right Ascension: some influence (mainly due to discontinuity from night [scotopic] to day [photopic] vision).
Senitivity due to Realtive Humidity changes
Relative humidity: almost no influence (except the discontinuity from night [scotopic] to day [photopic] vision).

Senitivity due to Observer Age changes
Observer Age: almost no influence (except the discontinuity from night [scotopic] to day [photopic] vision).

Senitivity due to Latitude changes
Latitude: almost no influence (except the discontinuity from night [scotopic] to day [photopic] vision).

Parameters that have influence on two altitudes

Senitivity due to Air Pressure
Air pressure: the higher the Air Pressure the higher the AV and star's event altitude.
The Sun's event altitude stays almost the same.

Senitivity due to Exinction
        Coefficient changes
Atmospheric Extinction Coefficient: the higher the Atmospheric Extinction Efficient
the higher the geocentric AV and star's event altitude.
The Sun's event altitude stays almost the same

Parameters that have influence on three altitudes

Senitivity due to Acuity changes
Observer Acuity: the better the observer Acuity the lower the AV
and star's event altitude; and the higher the Sun's event altitude.
The discontinuity is due to change from night (
scotopic) to day (photopic) vision.

Senitivity due to Magnitudechanges
Star's Magnitude: the higher the Magnitude the higher the AV
and star's event altitude; and the lower the Sun's event altitude.
The discontinuity is due to change from night (
scotopic) to day (photopic) vision.


In the above table one can also see the sensitivity due to the resulting variation of the specific parameter for MF and EL phases. The yellowed cells show that the resulting sensitivity (seen in Minimum or Maximum star's event altitudes) is more than 10% from the average star's event altitude.


A few general observations:

MF phase

The parameters that have significant influence on MF phase are:  Latitude, Relative Humidity, Atmospheric Extinction Coefficient, Acuity, Declination and Magnitude.
If the Latitude is between 30 and 54° (so between Egypt up to middle of UK), the sensitivity is lower than 10% of the star's event altitude.
Relative Humidity and Atmospheric Extinction Coefficient are related with the atmospheric conditions.

EL phase

The parameters that have significant influence on EL phase are:  Atmospheric Extinction Coefficient, Acuity and Magnitude.
Atmospheric Extinction Coefficient is related with the atmospheric conditions.


EL phase seems to be less depending on Latitude, Relative Humidity and Declination than the MF phase. For the EL phase the influence of scotopic and photopic visions is more pronounced than the MF phase.

Comparing Schoch and Schaefer criterions

<It looks that Schoch's arcus visionis is in effect the AV definition>

In below graph the MF and EL phases of Schaefer's criterion (with Latitude is 33°, Atmospheric Extinction Coefficient of 0.15 [very clear skies], star's Declination of 0.1° and RA of 3h16m [called alcyone01]) are compared with the Schoch criterion (derived from Babylonian and Greek observations for near ecliptic stars: [1924], page 734).
The MF phase matches with Schoch, while the EL phase somewhat less. The differences seen by Schoch [EL<MF] and Schaefer [MF<EL] can perhaps partly be explained that Schoch uses an averaged criterion, while Schaefer includes the actual path difference of Sun and star.
The general tend supports my earlier benchmarkings.
Senitivity due to Magnitude with
        Schoch changes
Morning First phase
Senitivity due to Magnitude with
        Schoch changes
Evening Last phase
The Schaefer's AV (
green line) is close to Schoch's AV (purple dashed line)

In the above MF and EL phase graphs a difference is seen in the star's and Sun's event altitude. The main reasons for this are: the relative position of the star and Sun at these different event (MF in June and EL in March) is different (e.g. a difference in delta azimuth [DAzi] of some 35°, which gives a difference of at least some 0.6 or more degrees); and the dependency on the Month/season. Pachner [2010] does not recommend different criterions for EL and MF phases.

The formula for Arcus Visionis or AV in literature only include the Magnitude as a linear parameter (although when reading the original reference they sometimes talk about the geographical region). These formula also do not provide the value for the star's or Sun's event altitude.
If we stay between Egypt and mid UK; the Latitude can be removed from the list of important parameters, thus atmospheric conditions (mainly Relative Humidity and the resulting Atmospheric Extinction Coefficient), Acuity and scotopic/photopic vision have the largest influence beside Magnitude.
The lack of these parameters make the simple formula/tables somewhat inaccurate.

Comparing Kolev observations with Schaefer criterion

<Kolev uses the definition of AV: difference between Object's and Sun's topocentric altitude>

Kolev has set an excellent database with regard to heliacal event observations (Kolev, 2013, Appendix F)! His observations included: object, observer, AEC, location, phase, date, first-, best-, and last observation time. I have not encounter similar (essential) detail of heliacal event observations! Excellent work by Kolev!

The Sun's altitude (orange dots) and star's altitude (blue squares) of Kolev's 80 MF and 81 EL observations of stars and planets (Kolev, 2013) are provided in below graph (the [best] altitudes are the average altitudes at the time of first and last observed during MF or EL). The observed Sun's altitude stays, as expected, below the theoretical line of Schaefer's Sun altitude (alcyone01 is a fictive star at declination 0.1° and varies its magnitude from -4 to 4). The observed Stars' altitudes are, as expected, between the Schaefer's star's altitude lines of AEC = 0.16 and 0.46; as Kolev's observations are in that AEC range. This again supports my earlier benchmarkings.

Senitivity due to Magnitude with
        Schoch changes
Morning First phase

It looks that for MFs the spread of the observed (Kolev) and calculated (Schaefer) object altitudes are similar.

Important to realise that the observed best time has been chosen as the average of first and last observation times. This is not hundred percent accurate. Also Schaefer's lines are derived for average circumstances and Dec/RA of alcyone01. So the graphs presented are only illustrative.

Senitivity due to Magnitude with Kolev observations
Evening Last phase

It looks that the ELs for the observed (Kolev) altitudes have a larger spread than the calculated (Schaefer) altitudes,
The spread of the observed object's altitudes is for EL larger than for the MT observations.
There looks to be no real difference of the Sun's altitudes for EL and MF observations, but for Schaefer's implementation there is a difference.
Magnitudes above 2 to 3 are perhaps not well predicted with Schaefer's model. this due to the change from photopic (day) to scotopic (night) vision. This could be due the variability of scotopic vision in the individuals (Carr&Fisher, 1970).

Interesting to see that the Arcus Visionis (Sun's depression) looks to be quite stable, while the Object's altitude is varying quite a lot (depending on the AEC).

Influence of day/night vision

Kolev also investigated the observed difference between the Object's altitude and the AEC, by looking at: dAlt/dAEC (Kolev, 2013, page 260):
Compare Kolev and Scahefe ron dAlt/dAEC

Interesting to see the dip due to change over from photopic to scotopic vision (around Magn=1.5 for Kolev and Magn=2 for Schaefer). The Magnitude where this happens might indeed depend on the observer (perhaps this should be a new parameter in Schaefer's criterion?). Kolev does not explain this dip, but Schaefer's criterion looks to be able to provide a reason for this dip.
The differences for low magnitudes (within the orange oval: Magn=-4 to -1.5) could be due to two reasons: Kolev does not start its criterion with AEC=0, but with AEC=0.16; and secondly he does not allow BaseAltObj to be smaller than zero (which would be the case for planets). Schaefer's criterion provides direction here.
Kolev inferred his criterion (no analytic model), as others, from observational data (Kolev, 2013, page 260-263).

More information about Kolev' criterion can be found here.

Comparing de Jong and Schaefer criterions

<Inklaar, de Jong and Schaefer use the same definition of AV: difference between Object's and Sun's topocentric altitude>
Inklaar made also a model for the visibility [Inklaar, 1989] and de Jong used this with slight updates [de Jong, 2012] in an article around Sirius [de Jong, 2006]. For the MF phase, location Cairo and 1000 BCE, the following results can be compared between Reijs and de Jong [2006, Table 1]:
Comparing Reijs and de Jonge results
        for Sirius
Comparing the results of Reijs and de Jong for Sirius MF
<Opt. time for de Jong has been calculated: First time+Duration/2-DeltaTDifference>
<Reijs>/<de Jong>.

There are indeed some differences in Sirius' and Sun's event altitudes. The timing difference could be explained by two facts:
The AVs are more or less the same, and also the dates for the MF phase are the same. There is good agreement between the two multi-parameter criterions!

Differences between Inklaar, de Jong and Schaefer criterions

Inklaar's and Schaefer's criterions were 'born' more or less in the same period (mid 1980s). Inklaar's model has been slightly updated by de Jong (2012). Schaefer's last model description is from 2000.

Functions in criterion
Inklaar (1998)
de Jong (2012)
Schaefer (2000) & ARCHAEOCOSMO (Reijs, 2006)
Definition of AV
Difference Sun's altitude and star's topocentric altitude
Difference Sun's altitude and star's topocentric altitude Difference Sun's altitude and star's topocentric altitude
Atmospheric extinction coefficient
fixed values
fixed values
fixed value or atmospheric parameters (Schaefer, 1993)
reasonable accurate (Rozenberg, 1966)
reasonable accurate (Rozenberg, 1966) reasonable accurate (Rozenberg, 1966)
or accurate (Schaefer, 1989)
Light loss reasonable accuracy
reasonable accuracy
reasonable accuracy or accurate
Sun's Sky brightness inter/extrapolation of Maryland (USA) (Koomen, 1952) inter/extrapolation of Maryland (USA) (Koomen, 1952)
formula (Krisciunas and Schaefer, 1991)
Moon's Sky brightness
formula (Krisciunas and Schaefer, 1991)
Point source visibility
(Hecht, 1947)
based on Tousey and Koomen (1953) (de Jong, 2012)
(Hecht, 1947)
Visibility threshold
50, 90, 98% (Hecht, 1947) 50, 90, 98% (Hecht, 1947) 50, 90, 98% (Hecht, 1947)
Extended source visibility
(Blackwell, 1946)
(Morrison and Stephenson, 1982) (Morrison and Stephenson, 2004)

This and the above section shown there is good agreement between the these multi-parameter criterions. Remember this does not say if the results of these criterions are matching that they would match observations, as these criterions use almost identical functions. More extensive benchmarking is thus essential.

Ptolemy's definition of Arcus Visionis

<see also some other discussion around the definition of Arcus Visionis and AV>

        and Arcus Visionis difference

Ptolemy's Arcus Visionis definition seems to be the altitude of Sun at the MF&EL heliacal event. In the pages about visibility of fixed stars (Toomer, page 404-416) the word '[Arcus Visionis]' is mentioned by the translator (Toomer, page 413):
For it is not possible to find the size of the arc by which the sun must be removed below the horizon in order for a given star to have its first or last visibility... For that arc [the arcus visionis] cannot be the same for all stars nor the same for a given star at all places [on earth], but varies according to the magnitude of the star, its distance in latitude from the sun, and the change in the inclination of the ecliptic [with respect to the earth]. (Toomer, page 413)
The definition Schoch uses is as follows:
The arcus visionis (in this paper called γ) of a planet or of Sirius is the depression of the Sun below the horizon, measured in the vertical circle for the moment when the star sets on the last evening when it is visible or rises on the first morning when it is visible. refraction disregarded in the case of both bodies. (Schoch, 1924, page 731)
This could indicates that 'arcus visionis' is the Sun's altitude, but strangely Schoch states "refraction being disregarded in the case of both bodies" (Schoch, 1924, page 731) as there is only one body mentioned (the Sun) and it is below the horizon so refraction is not in play...
But comparing Schoch's criterion with Kolev's observations, it looks that Schoch uses AV instead of Arcus Visionis, so his comment about refraction and variability due to atmosphere points to his use of AV.

According to Neugebauer:
Hence Ptolemy associates with a given star and a specific phase a characteristic parameter, the depression h of the sun below the horizon (the "arcus visionis" in modern terminology) at which the phenomenon takes place. In order to find h at a given geographical latitude φo (e.g. Alexandria) one must establish, by actual observation, the date and hour of the phase... (Neugebauer, 1975, page 927)
Ptolemy (and Neugebauer???) defines the Sun's altitude as the Arcus Visionis, instead of the Object's altitude minus the Sun's altitude.  More modern sources (e.g. Schoch, Schaefer, Inklaar, de Jong and Kolev) though state that AV is the difference between Sun's and object's topocentric altitude.

Analysing the above pictures an interesting aspect surfaces: the Sun's altitude is constant for a specific Magnitude when changing most the other parameters; except when related to the visual perception: Acuity and Age.
In the Almagest (translation by Toomer, 1984, page 414-415) we read similar:
... the [vertical] distance to the sun below the earth is always remain equal to Zθ {Sun's altitude} for the same star.since, for an equal interval so taken , the [effect of] the rays above the earth will be similar... However if the arc corresponding to the Zθ {Sun's altitude} remains constant everywhere on earth for the same stars (as seems likely, since the fixed stars too must be affected by the variation in the atmosphere in the same way as the rays are), the distance observed at a single terrestrial latitude will suffice us to determine those at the other latitudes [we can do this] by geometrical methods, whether the variation in the inclination of the ecliptic is due to the terrestrial location or to the demonstrated motion if the ps here of the fixed stars towards the rest with respect to it [the ecliptic]. ... Once this [Sun's altitude] has been found, and provided that it remains the same for all locations, we can use it to derive the {ecliptic distance Sun and star} at [all] other terrestrial latitudes from the same considerations.
[]: additions by the translator, Toomer, to explain Greek
(): additions by the author; Ptolemy, to explain
{}; additions by Reijs; to map on modern terminology

Ptolemy states "However if the arc corresponding to the Zθ {Sun's altitude} remains constant everywhere on earth for the same stars (as seems likely, since the fixed stars too must be affected by the variation in the atmosphere in the same way as the rays are)" (Toomer, 1984, page 414). This maps quite well with what is seen in above picture (derived from the implementation of Schaefer's criterion).
An experiment to simulate this further is by reducing Atmospheric Extinction Coefficient towards zero and see if the Sun's altitude stays more or less at the same level (even below AEC=0.15). See below picture (instead of max. accuracy formula used in the above pictures, the reasonable accuracy formula has been used to allow for the unrealistic AECs).
Senitivity due to Exinction
        Coefficient changes
Atmospheric Extinction Coefficient: For AEC smaller than 0.15 (not realistic),
the Sun's altitude stays more or less at the same level.

So Sun's altitude stays quite constant down to very small (unrealistic) AECs! This observation explains why Ptolemy's definition (object on horizon: Arcus Visonis) works very well theoretically and has practical value. So Ptolemy's theoretical derivation maps well on an earth without refraction and extinction (aka a topocentric definition). And this Arcus Visionis can be easily transformed by adding a factor linearly depending on the AEC, to derive the AV.
This seems not to be well understand by reviewers of Ptolemy, etc; see also next section.

A paradox

I realise there might be a paradox that is related to the Arcus Visionis (depression of the Sun) and the AV (difference between star and Sun altitude), both at the moment of MF&ML&EF&EL visibility:

All the above sounds logical... But now:
So I don't fully understand what Neugebauer (and others) are saying... So I think the above is a proper evaluation or do I make somewhere an error. Let me know.

According to Inklaar (1989, page 13) and Evans (1998, page 201-204) the apparent helical events (visibility of the star) was possibly used to predict the weather (Toomer, page 417). And of course the star's altitude at the heliacal event is depending on the atmospheric parameters (such as AEC). So was the star's altitude at a heliacal event used for weather predictions?

Visibility of Alcyone during the year 50 CE

In the below graph one can see when Alcyone is visible (green), when its Magnitude is below extinction (red) or when it is below the horizon (yellow). The white curve is Sun rise. The repeating red boxes (invisibility) near Alcyone's set and rise are due to Moon light.
The horizontal axis are days in 50CE (left top = Jan 1) and vertical axis is 24 hours (left bottom = 00:00 GMT). Using Default setting from above table.
Alcyne's visbility during year 50CE
Alcyone with influence of Moon light (using Schaefer)

Acluone zonder Moon
Alcyone without influence of Moon light (using Schaefer)

Similar graphs can be gotten using the software Planetary, Stellar and Lunar Visibility. The difference is that PSLV only uses a two parameter criterion. See the somewhat adjusted (differently colored) screen grab from PSLV: dates marked are determined by PSLV/Schoch's criterion, which map very well on Schaefer's results:
Alcyone, Germany, PLSV
Alcyone without influence of Moon light (using PLSV)

Visibility of Venus during the year 50 CE

The visibility of Venus can be see below. As one can see, Venus is visible not only when the Sun is below the horizon, but also during the day at some moments of the year. A day-time observation by Curtis in literature is also analysed here. PLSV is not able to produce graphs that include daytime visibility of the celestial object.

Venus zonder Moon
Venus without influence of Moon light (using Schaefer)


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I would like to thank people, such as Rob van Gent, Frank Inklaar, Teije de Jong, Frank Prendergast, Rolf Krauss, Norbert Pachner and Georg Zotti for their help and constructive feedback. Any remaining errors in methodology or results are my responsibility of course!!! If you want to provide constructive feedback, let me know.

Disclaimer and Copyright

Major content related changes: Oct. 27, 2016