The two circular movements (of the Lunar nodal cycle (A) and the Tropical month (B)) make that the Draconic month is shorter than the Tropical month. Lets assume that the Draconic month is x days. The moon has moved 360 ⋅ x T r o p i c a l m o n t h degrees and the Lunar nodal cycle has moved: 360 ⋅ x L u n a r n o d a l c y c l e degrees. Both are after x days at the same position, so:
Another example, now using an old fashioned watch, so with a minute and hour hand;-) The minute hand takes 1 hour (C) per revolution, while the hour hand takes 12 hours (B) to make a revolution. The question is now how much time does it take when minute and hour hand are at the same point (A):
The above formula works analogous for all of the below mean periods (be aware of possible variations when looking at actual values):
The above only explains what you 'observe in real live'. The fact stands that these observations can be made (how 'simple' they perhaps can be explained)!
Other epoch values can be less accurate, because of missing proper time series of periods/cycles/orbits. See the notes.